The Transformation of the Feminine Stream Today

Friday 13 December 7.30pm - 9pm
Rudolf Steiner described how for ages of time humanity felt itself to be a feminine community. Gradually, as independent thinking and logical reasoning developed, humanity became more and more reliant on sensory observation, systems and laws – and inherent human wisdom was no longer trusted. How did the Christ Being address this during his life on earth and, in particular, in his meetings with women? How did he transform the ‘feminine’ stream for the future of humanity and where do we see this working today?

Louise Sofair is a mother of four who lives in Hertfordshire. She was an upper school teacher of drama and religion in a Waldorf-Steiner school for many years, is the author of the book Women with Christ and a member of The Christian Community in London with a long-term interest in Anthroposophy.

All welcome, no need to book. Suggested donation £5 / £3

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