The Ways we Awake: Individual and Archetypal Awakening in our Biography - Postponed to 2021

Friday 2 October 7.30pm - 9pm
With Julia Dvinskaya

In the course of our lives, we experience awakenings of different kinds and at different levels of our being. During the evening, we will look at the archetypal gesture of awakening, at how we experience awakenings in different life-phases - what do we make of them, and for what do they prepare us?

Looking at past and current events of our biography, we may recognise the moments of waking up to the themes and leitmotifs of our whole being.

There will be suggestions of how you can continue to explore your life events (outer and inner) using a few guiding questions.

Julia Dvinskaya is a biographical counsellor and therapist working with individuals and groups.

All welcome, no need to book. Suggested donation £5 / £3

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